Tuesday, December 13, 2011


芭蕾群英是我擁有的第一套漫畫,還曾因家裡裝修搞丟,買了第二套。從小因為學習古典芭蕾,我熱中於芭蕾的各種“相關產品”:漫畫,演出,corset & tutu,俄文(!?)這愛跳舞的興趣也延伸到了之後的現代舞及街舞。

皇家芭蕾舞團的睡美人是我在英國看的第三部古典芭蕾舞劇,前兩部分別是國家芭蕾舞團的胡桃鉗及皇家芭蕾舞團的天鵝湖, "National" 及 "Royal" 的等級不同,舞者是最大的差別。其實這三部舞劇我全都在國家劇院看過了,天鵝湖的錄影帶更是看過不少次。可是這就是芭蕾的迷人之處,有太多高深的學問及美感在裡面了。尤其是天鵝湖,在我心中的經典地位,不論編排,音樂,邏輯,美感,餘韻都是歷久彌新。

皇家芭蕾舞團不只陣仗華麗,首席舞者優秀,舞群優秀,樂團也很優秀吧。可惜芭蕾劇的通病就是,劇情有時過渡得太簡化甚至迂腐。同樣也發生在這一次的睡美人,Act3 英雄救美的部份簡直是讓人昏昏欲睡,睡美人的女巫是很有個性的,卻在Act3的時候毫無表現,邪惡老鼠軍團也兵敗如山倒... 讓之前的推疊功虧一簣。不過Princess Aurora近乎完美演出,配合好聽的音樂,還是很滿足。

在倫敦的好處之一,就是每季都有高水準的演出及展覽可看。Degas and The Ballet: Picturing Movement就是其中之一。親眼見到Degas的習作及畫作,真是感動。針對畫中19世紀芭蕾的幕前幕後,皇家芭蕾舞團也製作了一段影片,模擬當時的服裝及舞鞋,也對比了芭蕾練習法及動作的演進。炫技一直以來是表演中或不可缺的高潮,可是我覺得以往的風格,仍然比較著重感性的部份。以前連排練都穿的好漂亮。

最後獻上一段 my sleeping beauty- Lauren Cuthbertson!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Anna x Vogue JP: Logo-licious!

Not a fan of LOGOLOGOLOGO?

Mi Vida Logo – Crystal Renn by Giampaolo Sgura. November edition of Vogue Japan. Styled by Anna dello Russo in logo head pieces and ensembles to match.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Autumn Polka Pick

Autumn Wrap – Alys Hale in David Koma by Paul Scala for V magazine online. Styling by Sonny Groo. Hair by Maarit Niemela and makeup by Anita Keeling.

Dance Hall Days

Geez I'm definitely in a disco mood lately.
Miss the days when I was dancing all the time, with you guys.

Dance Hall Days (Psychemagik's Leg Warmer Edit) by Psychemagik

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday season is approaching...

Image from Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker. PJ angels are adorable, aren't they?
Christmas in London is all joyful and commercial.
Going to Peru in 20 days!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan- 'White'

Cloud Gate came to perform at Sadler's Wells Theatre just a couple of weeks ago. As an ex-intern I went to watch them, of course. 'White' is composed of three segments. The 2nd and the 3rd part were added to the series years after the 1st part. I guess the 1st part is a bit too old-school for me? Yet, the second half of the show really catches me. I admire the way Mr. Lin Hwai-min emphasises the passing of time, and let the accumulation of moments to form a performance. Dancers were great that night. By the way, it was a nice night out with the crew after the show... See you again in 2013 CG.

Granny to be: Pop up 1- knitting series

曾經我們苦哈哈 現在雪球們越滾越大
越混是越屌其他 人像是被結紮
你講話開始結巴 往身上灑鹽巴
我研發出新的技巧 總是出乎你意料

你是假奶硅膠 ㄉㄨㄞ ㄉㄨㄞ 我是真材實料受愛戴
大家都覺得我壞 也想要學我的跩
聽聽這喝采 你和我兒子一樣的喝奶
少了我饒舌沒色彩 內行的全部都到我這來
不需要跳舞 舉手投足就是教主
嗨完回家換尿布 但現在我是跳跳虎

想出來就出來 Feeling's alright
High high 人生 要 high 就要趁現在
就算天塌下來 還有我們都在
把握現在 Let's party all night

你知道是誰最屌 其他人像是在睡覺
已經聞到那味道 花蝴蝶在我身旁圍繞 圍繞
唱饒舌我維妙維肖 你還沒抓到那訣竅
HipHop 是處女地 那我是肥料

賺的還不夠多 但其實也夠用
像夢遊般的生活 Hustler 的時候我像孟波
可別嫌我膨風 這饒舌夢太朦朧
白手起家靠空手 從小狗狗到狗董
多轟動 像瘋狗浪 麥克風 我走唱
開關在我手上 high high 人生 it's turn on
用力的工作 用力的玩 用力的花錢 也用力跩
Work and Play 用力穿

想出來就出來 Feeling's alright
High high 人生 要 high 就要趁現在
就算天塌下來 還有我們都在
把握現在 Let's party all night

聽到這個節奏 沒錯
就是我 熱狗 for sure
你沒聽錯 你沒聽過
有點復古 卻是新貨
我還有聽 Daft Punk
So everybody get down
快釋放你的能量 別站著不動像神像

魅力在燃燒 好像高空彈跳
你燃料用完 你會說喔我還要
這 DJ 比耶穌還神 強力重拍像在害人
音樂像 diamond 你膜拜著像拜神
這音樂讓你愛著 大家都想要快樂
這首不會喊 Fire 點燃你的 lighter

想出來就出來 Feeling's alright
High high 人生 要 high 就要趁現在
就算天塌下來 還有我們都在
把握現在 Let's party all night

想出來就出來 Feeling's alright
High high 人生 要 high 就要趁現在
就算天塌下來 還有我們都在
把握現在 Let's party all night

Hey let´s party all night
Hey let´s party all night
Hey let´s party all night
Hey let´s party all night

轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Few of my favourite things in the week: Pop up 1- weaving series

Hold Your Beliefs Lightly

'Grayson Perry The Tomb of the unknown craftsman' at the British Museum.

Why do people come to the museum?

I find myself admiring at the craftsmanship that has gone before me every time I go to museum. Museum is one of the places that appreciate the dedication in each artefact. Grayson Perry pays his tribute in an intimate yet humours way( very British), which I love!

A Ghanaian Asafo banner in the British Museum collection

Grayson Perry, Hold Your Beliefs Lightly, 2011. © Grayson Perry

Monday, October 31, 2011

1st stop in Norway- Oslo

Norway is quite grey. Especially in city centre. But, once I saw the sea and the forest, my impression totally changed. Nature is the most precious asset in the world. Had lots of home made food (typical norwegian weekend breakfast and Hagfor's style pizza)with Marlene, which is the best part of the trip. Wish you could come back to London next year. And turn your London flat into a shoreditch salon!

Thanks dear, à bientôt!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011