Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shocking paintings at the Centre Pompidou

 MATTA (Roberto Antonio Sebastián MATTA ECHAURREN, dit) L'étang de No,1958
MATTA (Roberto Antonio Sebastián MATTA ECHAURREN, dit) Etre en situation,1957

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kenzo Fever

Gone to an exhibition curated by Kenzo, and an cocktail party of the debut of Kenzo's jewellery line last week. It's great to meet the legendary designer!!! He looks so young in his age. Also to experience the chic, high-end atmosphere. One thing I learnt out of it is that you got to have your own little group to go to these events, cause it was all about chattering/networking!

With Mr. Kenzo himself!!!

La première fois à Première Vision

It's my first time to go to the Premier Vision exposition in Paris. It's one of the major textile fairs in the world. Besides textile, there are leather, fur, buttons, trims, labels, ornaments, packaging... etc. The venue is massive, and there are so many companies that come to showcase their latest technology and design. 
I was there not only to visit, but also to help Julia and Jane to sell their knitwear samples in the Indigo section. I actually skipped school for it : P This was a really precious experience, because I dealt with buyers around the world and met people from the industry. It can be a bit frustrating when it's selling slowly. There are different reasons for that- the economy climate overall is not in a good shape; manufacturers are looking for design that is able to go on to mass production line; they are also looking for commercial design. Design is very subjective, therefore, as an individual knitwear studio, it is important to provide versatility in your collection. 
It's cool to know that I'll come back again with my design for spring summer 14/15 in February 2013. I have so much to learn. Hopefully the economy climate will be in a better shape too.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bling Bling For Real

Biennale Des Antiquaires Paris 2012, Grand Palais.
It cannot get more glamorous! All the top luxury brands in the world come to showcase their most exquisite jewellery, furniture, artefact, and antique collection. I'm just very glad that I'm in Paris to see them for myself.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First collaborative project at ENSCI

No project brief. I'm in a group where we source inspiration from the school to create a piece that conveys the spirit of the school in our point of view. It can be a space, a video, a sculpture, ... anything. We are presenting it in front of whole freshers next Friday (estimated 90 people).

This is my first time working with people outside of textiles design, therefore, having to meet up for concept, theme, and development is a bit of an adjust. Besides, I'm teamed up with three French students!!!

Anyway, our group is still searching for a starting point, and I am still finding my way IN.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Starting off

Oh dear. This past 10 days has been quite mental. Went to many places in Paris; tried out new restaurants, and met new friends.

Started new school life at ENSCI along with loads of French and networking. Due to my limited French, I felt like a child most of the time... following wherever people are going, asking them to repeat what they just said.  Peers are very friendly though. In my opinion, the atmosphere at ENSCI is more open than in Chelsea, as in how people interact with each other between design industriel and textile ( the two main courses here). The French are less shy to talk to international students than in London. Textile facilities at ENSCI are great, considering that they only take 10 new student each year.  More surprisingly, I saw dubied knitting machine!!! wohoo can't wait to start new project.

However, most importantly, I finally move into my own apartment. Special thanks to Peter, who kindly accommodated me while I was homeless.