Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bon week-end en Normandie

Thanks to Pierre and Olga, I get to have a taste of north of France- Normandy. In a 2-day trip, we went to Mont St. Michel, Caen, and Honfleur. Mont St.Michel is definitely my favourite spot. Even though the wind was killing us, but it was wroth the pain. I much rather walk there than to take a bus to fly through the journey. Eventually I did not have the chance to go into the église abbatiale, which is the highlight of the place, cause they cancel the night tour... Anyway, I guess that will be a good reason for me to come back again.

 Half-timbered house in Honfleur. 
The typical tradition Normandy architecture, where it finds its root in the Celtic farms.
 The three lion is the symbol of Normandy

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Review of Contemporary Art in Paris Vol.2

Le Grand Restaurant by Michel Blazy at Le Plateau is definitely one the the exhibitions I will never forget. Because it involves not only visual impact, but also the physical impact. Every art work in the space come from objects of everyday life (things you find in the restaurant), which also have the potential of mutation and deterioration, in other words- the art pieces are always in continual change.  I think the concept and the execution of the collection is quite solid; even though some of the work physically disturbs me, but I believe that is artist's intention to allow the audience to observe the abnormal experience in a restaurant. Besides the intense odour, I like the outcome of how time do its work on matter. 

Another art work I find it powerful is from Les Nouveaux Collectionneurs- un choix d'œuvres du Fonds départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône.  (A body of work chosen from students) I am particularly touched by Les agents oranges (4 éléments de la série) by Valère Costes2010. The herbs and the photos are taken from countryside in Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used to spray Agent Orange over Vietnamese forest and rural land to defoliate the soil and to destroy the ability of peasants to support themselves in the countryside, and forcing them to flee to the U.S. dominated cities. This programme resulted in millions of death, birth defects, and health problems. Even in 2008,  Agent Orange sill leaves its scare on the land. There are things that can be forgiven but can never be forgotten. War is one of them.

Source of creation

Monday, October 15, 2012

Colour Project pt.1

La Chambre by Vincent Van Gogh is the painting I chose for the colour project. The exercise is to create a colour palette that matches the original painting, precisely. This was the first time I spent so much time is colour palette, but I'm really glad that I have this exercise, because I think this will be the most sophisticated colour palette I have done so far. Thanks to Van Gogh. After coming up with the perfect colour palette, the next stage is to choose yarns and get on knitting!

19.45 (Sunday) at ENSCI

Friday, October 12, 2012

Review of Contemporary Art In Paris Vol.1

On every Thursday 16.00-19.00 I'm taking lesson around Paris. Literally- on the streets, and the galleries within the city. On the first day, we went to five galleries around Belleville, which is an area I have yet to discover. Frankly speaking, without Timothy's (course tutor) guide, I would not have found out these hidden places by myself. I am only going to record what I find interesting and memorable. 

The exhibition Villa Surprise by Charlotte Moth at Galerie Marcelle Alix. I was not impressed by the photography showed there, because I cannot read the message Moth was trying to deliver through the image, besides, aesthetically, I think they can be done by an average photographer.  I am interested in the short films Study for a 16mm film, and Unexpected Lights and Colours (a Sculpture Made to be Filmed). In these two short films, I again, have absolutely no idea what Moth is trying to convey. But it was a very pure way of showing unexpected images without any distraction, such as the sound of a projector, narrative, or background music. I like the way she uses light so subtly that it flows with the simple movements in the shot. 

We were lucky enough to have Patrice Joly- one of the curators of the exhibition Circumrévolutions at the Carré de Baudoin to explain his perspective. He wanted to present the concept of the infinity of political and physical revolution throughout past and present. Various artists come to realised this concept through wall of posters, installations, short films, or graphic images. There is an on-going project, called Jardin révolutionnaire avec moins de couleurs et plus de fleurs, 2010, by Alexandre Périgot. How it interacts with the present is that whenever there is a revolution in the world, the artist would take out one of his flowers from the vase, and add a new carpet instead. (this is how I understood from Patrice, but it seems to be contradicting with the title of the work...) I actually have doubts in this art work. I think the idea makes sense, but there are simply too many holes in the art work that does not make it as profound as it could be. Side notes: Mai 1968 en France- it began as a long series of student strikes then evolved into the first wildcat general strike in France ever. It brought the economy of an advanced industrial country to a virtual standstill. Without it, France will never be the same France we see today.

Lastly, SHANAYNAY PARIS is a small art space which is very artsy and open to public. Artsy in a way that each work has significance behind it, but it's a confusing at the same time. Open in a way that I even checked out a book from the library without leaving my contacts. I guess, we all have hopes that world is better place than we imagined.  Besides the art work in the galleries, I often pay attention to the funny things on the street; whether they are obvious or not. Those are the moments that made you smile, and believe that art is everywhere. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Arts X Crafts X Designs

There are so many museums in Paris. Besides the well-know ones such as Musée du Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Musée de l'Orangeri, Centre Georges Pompidou...etc. There are lots to discover. I have been visiting museums regularly, but I am far behind on the reflection updates. Anyways, one at a time- Musée des Arts et Métiers, aka Museum of Arts and Crafts.
Ever since The Age of Discovery, and The Industrial revolution. The Western Europe has been considered as the one of the most developed culture in the modern age. The museum of Arts and Crafts is the place to house those inventions throughout the historical movements. I can still recall when I was a teenager, studying world history in Taiwan. I learnt all about those eras through text books, but now I  can see the document and collection display in front of me is very thrilling. The experience gave my chills. 
Without knowing history, it's almost impossible to become a true innovator. So many great things have been created, what is there for us to imagine of? Design is a relatively new concept since modernity. Designers' job is to create object that goes along humanity, or sometimes help people to become a better version of themselves. This is what I believe in.